Draft 2025-2026 Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
Draft 2025-2026 Catalog

History Major

The Department of History offers a varied yet comprehensive program of historical study that emphasizes the development of analytical, research, and communication skills. The program is especially suitable for students who are interested in careers in teaching, law, government or nonprofit service, institutional research, and management, or who wish to pursue graduate study or professional training.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Understand the historical processes that have shaped human experiences across time and space
  • Think critically and historically about the past 
  • Conduct historical research and craft persuasive historical arguments
  • Understand how the practice of history can establish a valuable framework for considering ethical issues in the past and present 

Major Requirements (44 units)

Upper-Division Courses (24 units)

All majors must take courses within the following attributes:

  • At least 4 units, 300-level or above, that qualifies as pre-modern
  • At least 8 units, 300-level or above, outside U.S. and European History
  • The remaining 12 units can be electives

Senior Seminar (4 units)

All majors must take one 400-level Senior Seminar during the Fall semester of senior year.

Degree Planner


Fall Units
Core - A2: Rhetoric and Composition 4
Core - C2: History 100-Level Course - 1 4
Core - D1: Philosophy 4
Language - Course 1 4
Total Semester Units 16
Spring Units
Core - A1: Public Speaking 4
Cultural Diversity (CD) or History 100-Level Course - 2 4
Core - D2: Theology and Religious Studies 4
Language - Course 2 4
Total Semester Units 16

Sophomore Year

Fall Units
Core - C1: Literature 4
HIST 210 - Historical Methods  (Fall term only) 4
History 300-Level Course - 1 4
Language - Course 3 4
Total Semester Units 16
Spring Units
Core - D3: Ethics 4
History 300-Level Course - 2 4
History 300-Level Course - 3 4
Open Elective 4
Total Semester Units 16

Junior Year

Fall Units
Note: Junior Year is ideal time for semester/year Study Abroad (approval required): take two upper-division history classes, pursue language study, take 1-2 core classes and/or electives  
History 300-Level Course - 4 4
Core - F: Visual & Performing Arts 4
Open Elective 4
Open Elective 4
Total Semester Units 16
Spring Units
Community - Engaged Learning (CEL): HIST 396 - History Internship  (300-Level Course - 5) 4
Core - B1: Math or Quantitative Science 4
Open Elective 4
Open Elective 4
Total Semester Units 16

Senior Year

Fall Units
HIST 400 - Senior Seminar in History  or HIST 470 - Honors Senior Thesis   4
Core - E: Social Sciences 4
Open Elective 4
Open Elective 4
Total Semester Units 16
Spring Units
History 300-Level Course - 6 4
Core - B2: Applied or Laboratory Science 4
Open Elective 4
Open Elective 4
Total Semester Units 16

*This information is subject to change, the degree planner is a sample, and students should consult with the department for any updated information.