2017-2018 Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Communication Studies Minor

The Communication Studies Minor requires completion of 20 units that are subdivided into three areas: Foundations (8 units); Methods (4 units); and Advanced Area Studies (8 units).

Minor Requirements (20 Units)

Advanced Area Studies (8 Units - 2 Courses)

For the complete list of Advanced Area Studies courses, please refer to the Communication Studies major requirements.


No more than one (1) Public Relations course may count towards the Communication Studies minor. No more than four (4) units of Directed Study may count towards the Communication Studies minor. Students double-minoring in Communication Studies and Public Relations may not double-count Advanced Area courses for the Minors. Students majoring or minoring in Advertising (ADVT) can only double-count COMS 202  Rhetoric and the Public Sphere.