Year 2
Students choose from a rotating selection of graduate electives based on their interests and goals. Students develop several large software projects throughout the degree, including a substantial capstone project during their second year.
Project Course
All students must take CS 690 - Master’s Project (4 units). In this course, students work with an industry or faculty sponsor to complete a substantial capstone project from start to finish. This involves completing the specification, design, development, and testing of a significant software system.
Graduate Electives
Students must take 16 units of 600-level graduate CS electives during their second year. A maximum of 4 units may come from special electives, such as CS 694 , CS 695 , and CS 698 .
Special Topics
We offer several special topic courses on the latest topics and technologies in Computer Science. Some recent special topics courses include Data Mining, Computer Graphics, Data Visualization, and Game Engineering.
Some special elective courses include:
Practicum Option
Students may opt to replace an elective with practical work experience at tech companies and startups in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley. This option is open to most international students. Visit Practicum for details.
Directed Research
Students may opt to replace an elective with a directed research course, allowing them to work closely with a professor on a research project. This option is ideal for students who wish to continue on to a PhD program.